US Vice President visits Poland
The President of the Republic of Poland, Mr. Lech Kaczynski hosted the Vice President of the United States, Mr. Joe Biden at the Presidential Palace on Wednesday 21st October.
During the two hours meeting President Kaczynski and Vice President Biden discussed a range of subjects of shared interest and common concern, mainly issues relating to cooperation within the anti-missile defence, military cooperation, NATO and Article 5 of the NATO Treaty. During the conference in the Presidential Palace President Kaczynski revealed that they also reviewed the world policy, including Afghanistan and also relations with the Russian Federation.
The President emphasised that from his point of view the most important were the issues relating to the partnership and its stability, US attention paid to Poland’s security as well as matters that concern the military cooperation, including the new concept of anti-missile defence.
- This discussion made me very optimistic – said the President, and added that during the meeting Vice President Biden has confirmed the partnership between Poland and the United States within the framework of NATO as well as bilateral relations.
- I have been confirmed in my belief that our security is ensured.
Mr. Lech Kaczynski admitted that the conversation on the energy security was particularly interesting. – I have indicated that the Central Asia countries, former Soviet republics have enormous resources and it is worth to be active in this region – said the President.
Finally, the President emphasised again that he is very happy to host Mr. Joe Biden in Poland and that the visit has been organised so promptly.
Source: www.prezydent.pl