20.01.2010The Ukrainian Order For Merit to the Head of NSB
WięcejOn Tuesday, 19th January 2010 Head of the National Security Bureau, Mr. Aleksander Szczyglo has been awarded with high Ukrainian state decoration – the Order For Merit 2nd class – for his significant input to the development of Polish and Ukrainian relations and strengthening Ukraine’s authority in the world. The Order has been awarded by the Ukrainian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Poland, Mr. Olexander Motsyk.
15.01.2010Head of the NSB participated in the energy conference in Batumi
On Thursday, 14th January, Head of the National Security Bureau, Minister Aleksander Sczyglo participated in the energy conference in Batumi, Georgia.
Więcej -
14.12.2009About the aims and future of NATO in the Presidential Palace
WięcejOn Monady 14th December the Head of the National Security Bureau, Mr. Aleksander Szczyglo and the Head of the Chancellary of the President, Mr. Wladyslaw Stasiak as well and Minister Mariusz Handzlik have seen the Chief of SACEUR, Admiral James Stavridis.
30.11.2009Officer promotion ceremony in Deblin „Fledgeling Eagles School”
WięcejOn Friday 27 November Deblin held a promotion ceremony of the graduates of the Polish Air Force Academy.
23.11.2009Materials of the conference "Strategy for Afghanistan" are available for download
WięcejNational Security Bureau – organiser of an international conference „Strategy for Afghanistan” (19th June 2009) – informs that post-conference materials are available in Polish and English for download, in order to download please go to Publications/Other.
18.11.2009Head of NSB visits Ukraine
WięcejOn Wednsday 18 November 2009 Head of the National Security Bureau, Mr. Aleksander Szczyglo paid an official visit to Kiev upon the invitation issued by Raisa Bohatyriowa, the Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council.
16.11.2009Deputy Head of the National Security Bureau visits the US
WięcejOn 14-18 November the Deputy Head of the National Security Bureau, Mr. Witold Waszczykowski and Minister Mariusz Handzlik visited the United States.
12.11.2009Discussion concerning Afghanistan
WięcejOn Thursday 12 November 2009 National Security Bureau held the second expert seminar entitled „Perspectives for the PMC mission in Afghanistan”. This time, the occasion for the debate was the anniversary of assuming the responsibility for security in the Afghan province of Ghazni, which was completed by the Polish Military Contingent.
09.11.2009Gift from the President of the Republic of Poland
WięcejAn album entitled „…For freedom by tombstones is measured…” is a gift from the President of the Republic of Poland to all Poles on the occasion of the Independence Day.
09.11.2009General Nominations to be awarded on the Independence Day
WięcejThis is to inform that the President of the Republic of Poland, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Mr. Lech Kaczynski has accepted promotions to generals of six officers of Polish Army.