Head of the NSB supports first feature film about Condemned Soldiers
Minister Aleksander Szczygło has been asked to join the Honorary Charter supporting production of a film under working title „The Story of Swarm” introducing a story about fight carried out by soldiers representing anticommunist underground. This film has already been taken under Honorary Auspices of the President of the Republic of Poland, Mr. Lech Kaczyński.
The film is a story about S SG Mieczysław Dziemieszkiewicz, pseudonym „Swarm”, one of the legendary chiefs of anticommunist underground, soldier of National Military Association, murdered in 1951 during the sweep operation organized by Internal Security Corps, Office of Security and People’s Army of Poland troops.
By telling about „Swarm’s” fate and heroic fight of the part of Polish society that did not agree to the system forced by soviet occupier, the authors want to pay a tribute to all Condemned Soldiers.
Minister Aleksander Szczygło, accepting the invitation to join the Honorary Charter said that it would be one of the most important pictures of Polish cinematography in the recent years. “The Story of Swarm” produced in cooperation with Polish Television and producer and director Jerzy Zalewski is a first feature film about history of post war Poland, which was distorted and unsaid during People’s Republic of Poland.
Shooting is due to be finished in May 2010, and the film shall be premiered at the end of October and beginning of November 2010. Polish Television plans to broadcast three-part TV series based on the film.
Shooting is due to be finished in May 2010, and the film shall be premiered at the end of October and beginning of November 2010. Polish Television plans to broadcast three-part TV series based on the film.