The President has decorated the soldiers who died in Afghanistan
On Monday 12th October 2009 President of the Republic of Poland, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Mr. Lech Kaczynski decided to award posthumously the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Military Cross and Star of Afghanistan to Szymon Graczyk and Radoslaw Szyszkiewicz who died in Afghanistan on 9th October 2009. Both soldiers were promoted to the rank of corporal.
The Polish soldiers were killed by IED, which exploded under the MRAP Cougar. The vehicle was part of a convoy in which Poles were making their way from Ghazni to Bagram. The event took place in Wardak province, on Highway 1.
Corporal Szymon Graczyk was serving as a sapper in the Combat Group’s “A” EOD platoon in Ghazni base during the 5th shift of Polish Military Contingent. In Poland he was serving in the 5th Engineering Regiment in Szczecin-Podjuchy. He was serving in the army for nearly three years (on 24th October it would turn three years exactly). Participation in the Polish Military Contingent in Afghanistan was his first mission. He was 23 years old. He left a wife and 2 years old son.
Corporal Radoslaw Szyszkiewicz was stationed at Ghazni base in Afghanistan as a driver-paramedic in the Combat Group’s “A” EOD platoon. In Poland he was holding the same position in the 5th Engineering Regiment in Szczecin-Podjuchy. He started his military service in April 2008. Participation in the Polish Military Contingent in Afghanistan was his first mission. He was 22 years old bachelor.
May they rest in peace!