Cybersecurity Doctrine of the Republic of Poland
The National Security Bureau (BBN) published the Polish cybersecurity doctrine on Thursday, after more than a year of studies and drafting. The document outlines further lines of work on improving national security in cyberspace.
The doctrine maps out tasks for state institutions, notably security agencies and armed forces, private sector and NGOs.
The threats coming from cyberspace and identified in the doctrine include cybercrime, like "cyberviolence, destructive cyberprotests and cyberdemonstrations," attacks against telecommunications systems important for national security, data and ID theft, and hijacking of private computers.
External threats listed by the doctrine are cybercrises and cyberconflicts, cyberwar included, as well as cyberespionage involving states and other entities. "Threats (for Poland) coming from cyberspace include extremist, terrorist and international criminal organizations whose attacks in cyberspace can have ideological, political, religious, business or criminal motivations," the document points out.
It emphasizes the need for "pursuing active cyberdefence, including offensive actions in cyberspace, and maintaining readiness for cyberwar," protection and defence of Polish teleinformation systems and accumulated data, and supporting key private firms in their cybersecurity efforts.
Source: PAP
Download the Doctrine in Polish